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Username resolution

Message Kit provides powerful username resolution capabilities through its resolver system. This allows applications to handle various types of identifiers including ENS domain and Converse usernames.

Supported identifiers

  • Ethereum Addresses - Standard hex addresses (e.g., 0x123...)
  • ENS Domains - Ethereum Name Service domains (e.g., vitalik.eth)
  • Converse Usernames - Social usernames from Converse (e.g., @fabri)


The resolver provides a getUserInfo function that returns detailed information about a user:

const userInfo = await getUserInfo(identifier);

The resolver returns a UserInfo object containing:

  • ensDomain - User's ENS domain if available
  • address - Ethereum address
  • preferredName - Best available name to display
  • converseUsername - Converse username if available
  • avatar - Profile picture URL if available
  • converseEndpoint - Converse profile endpoint


The resolver implements automatic caching to improve performance and reduce API calls. You can manage the cache using:

// Clear cache for specific address
// Clear entire cache

XMTP availability check

You can check if a user has XMTP enabled:

const { v2, v3 } = await isOnXMTP(v3client, v2client, address);

This will return an object with v2 and v3 booleans indicating if the user has XMTP enabled

  • v2:true If the user has XMTP v2 enabled
  • v3:true If the user has XMTP v3 enabled